At Podlunšek, we have designed our website with the purpose of providing general information about Podlunšek and its products, services and activities. By viewing and using this website, you confirm that you have read the terms and conditions, that you understand them and that you agree with them and fully accept them. If you do not agree with them, please do not use these pages. We recommend that you occasionally visit our website and again check the applicable terms and conditions of use, as they are legally binding.
All information and material on the Podlunšek website is for informative purposes only. Podlunšek will make every possible effort to ensure the best possible operation of its website; however, it does not assume any liability or warranty for its undisturbed use. All users are personally responsible for the use of this website. Podlunšek is not liable for any damage originating from access, usage or inability to use any information or material on the Podlunšek website, or for any mistake or defect in its content.
Podlunšek will make every possible effort to ensure the correctness, up-to-datedness and completeness of data on these pages; however, it does not assume any liability regarding its correctness, up-to-datedness and completeness.
Podlunšek may modify the pages of its website at any time and without any prior notice, and does not assume any liability for the consequences of these modifications.
Information and material of the Podlunšek website are for your personal and non-commercial use only. Any text, photograph, video or other material published on this website may not be altered, copied, distributed, displayed, performed, reproduced, published, licensed, transferred, sold or used for creating derivative works. Downloading and printing the information and material for non-commercial purposes of viewing and reading it is allowed.
All rights are reserved. The information and material on the Podlunšek web portal is protected by intellectual property rights, owned by Podlunšek and related companies, the contents of which are incorporated in the Podlunšek website.
All trademarks on the website are protected, unless stated otherwise by the owner of the Podlunšek website. This also includes all owner’s logotypes, emblems and slogans. Use of trademarks is only allowed with prior consent by the owner of the Podlunšek website.
The Podlunšek website may not be used for illegal purposes or purposes prohibited by these terms and conditions, requirements and notes. You may not use the website in any manner that could damage, disable, overload or harm Podlunšek or its customers. It is strictly prohibited to use or contact this website with the purpose of hindering or damaging its contents or precautions, or to inconvenience or depreciate Podlunšek, its services or personnel. It is prohibited to direct unwanted email (spam) to or via this website. It is prohibited to attempt, in any way, to obtain unauthorised access to Podlunšek’s computer systems by hack attacks, password extraction or any other method. Podlunšek is fully entitled to judge whether any usage is in breach of these rules, and, in case of any breach, to take action as it deems appropriate. Reduction of the system or network security may lead to civil or criminal liability.
The Podlunšek website may contain links or references to third party websites, sources and information. Linked websites are not under control of Podlunšek, therefore, Podlunšek is not liable for content on any linked website or any link on the linked website, or for any modification or update on these linked websites. When visiting or using linked web pages, the liability of Podlunšek is disclaimed for any case.
The terms and conditions of using the Podlunšek website were last updated in June 2022. Podlunšek may occasionally update the Terms and Conditions in accordance with the modification of our services as well as on the basis of feedback from users. Any modification of Terms and Conditions will be published on this site and the date of last modification will be posted. In case of substantial modifications, we will notify you either by placing a visible notice on the website or by direct notification.
In case of any question, hesitation or proposal regarding the Terms and Conditions of using the Podlunšek website, please submit it to us via the online form or contact our Customer Assistance Centre.